Meta Service

Apakah meta service itu ?

Dalam bukunya,
"Meta Service: Abstract a workflow in Computational Grid Environments", Sangkeon Lee dan Jaeoyong Choi menegaskan bahwa :
We define a concept of Meta services which describes a way of abstracting and mapping a workflow to a service in computational Grid environments. By using Meta services, a workflow in a Grid environment could adapt various service concepts such as Grid services, Web services, and portal services without modification to the workflow. And the converted Meta services could be shared and reused by users. Furthermore, historical performance data could be included in the Meta service, making effective execution of the workflow possible

Pendapat lain yang bersumber dari suatu mailing list menerangkan meta service dalam kaitannya dengan metadata. Dalam hal ini mereka mengemukakan bahwa metadata bisa berarti lebih luas dalam berbagai konteks, bukan hanya "data dari data" saja. Mereka mendiskusikan bahwa :
In our context, metadata is a subset of information related to an entity, including parts of the entity, that are needed for a particular purpose. That means metadata can also be descriptive information about a service.

As far as metaservice, the description of service supports a hierarchy or combination of services, including services working with and on other services. To have metaservice as a useful concept, you would need a base level SERVICE and then things acting on it. The identification of SERVICE will be use dependent and the source of endless, fruitless arguments.
Jadi, bisa disimpulkan bahwa meta service adalah suatu konsep untuk meringkas dan memetakan aliran kerja pada suatu service yang memiliki hirarki dan atau kombinasi yang lebih rumit tanpa modifikasi pada aliran kerja (workflow) yang bersangkutan, contoh sederhananya adalah RSS feeds news untuk berlangganan artikel.

Binus Business School


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